วันเสาร์ที่ 24 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

When children leave the child's bed or not.

Image : http://www.flickr.com

There's really no particular time you should move your child to a toddler bed, but most children make the transition when they are either too big or too active for a crib. As a parent, both my children were moved to a toddler bed around the age 2. The thing that helped my wife and I to decide is when we started to notice how tall they were standing in a crib along with their climbing capabilities. I also have a third child who in a few months will be moving to a toddler bed. And since he's been watching his brother and sister play on their beds, I don't think we'll have a difficult time introducing him to his new bed. On a side note, they say (and I have witnessed this first hand) that children without brothers or sisters have a harder time making the transition to a toddler bed.

When you plan to move your toddler to a bed, it's not a decision that should be rushed. It's a decision you should be anticipating, but at the same time, you don't want to move your toddler to a bed if he or she is not ready. During this time you should also be lowering the crib base which can give you additional time, if you're toddler's not ready yet.

Since every child is different, they will react differently once they start sleeping in another bed. Some might have a hard time adjusting if they are very attached to their crib, while others will transition seamlessly. It's also a good idea to plan this milestone since it might coincide with other milestones like potty training.

Once you start the transition, it's a good idea to get a bed your child will like. For example, if your child likes cars, you might consider buying him a toddler bed that looks like a car. My son's first bed was a fire truck bed. It had a light, which doubled as a night light and a bell. We also put in several of his favorite toys and his sleeping blanket. Also, make it a big deal and get him excited to sleep in the new bed. Throw a mini party and make it special.

Don't Worry if you do not change, can not be available. Not to add more fun and excitement of a new bed. Happen when they become comfortable with time.

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