If you like cars would like to start a business that has something to do with automobiles perhaps you will consider cleaning off the cars at new car lots. There are many benefits to this if you like automobiles because you will see all the latest models and wash all the nicest cars.
Perhaps you have seen mobile car wash companies at the car lots with their hoses out and high-pressure washers cleaning up all the cars? Generally these companies charge anywhere from 80 cents a car to upwards of 3 dollars depending on the number of cars on the lot and the amount of competition in the area.
To properly clean auto dealer lots you'll need a pressure washer of about 2500 PSI preferably with a Honda Motor and about 300 ft. of hose. It also makes sense to have a large water tank so you can clean the cars even when you're at the very corner of a lot where there is no water outlet.
Generally everyone in the auto dealer business talks to each other and many of the salesman will work at one car lot for a while and then go work for another car lot and this is how everyone gets to know everyone else in the business. This is of benefit to you if you run any mobile car wash specializing in cleaning dealer lots because you can use this to your advantage through asking for referrals. If you do one car lot and you do it very well the other car lots will notice that their cars are clear and they will want to hire you to keep up with the competition.
The more car lots to do right next to each other the more efficient you can operate and the lower the price you can afford charge and the more money you'll make. Cleaning car lots is not an easy business and it is a lot of hard work but there is a lot of work to be had and thus it makes a very good home business. Perhaps you'll consider this in 2006.
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